The Unheard
In Jeffrey A. Brown ’s “The Unheard,” one young woman’s past trauma collides with a present-day terror in a sleepy Northeastern town. After Chloe ( Lachlan Watson ) enrolls in a clinical trial at the Northeast Eye and Ear Institute (which looks to be based on Mass Eye and Ear) to repair her hearing that was damaged during a childhood illness, she heads out to her dad’s residence on the Cape to recover and help him sell the house where they last saw her mother ( Michele Hicks ) before she disappeared. You’ll soon discover this town has an awful history of missing women. Lost in-between waves of nostalgia and videotape-induced flashbacks, Chloe begins to hear voices and sounds no one else can. “The Unheard” has its shining moments, but they are not enough to cover for some duller missteps. Although the premise is strong, its execution is less-than-convincing. Watson plays the leading role in such a whisper that her underwhelming performance doesn’t carry the screams or suspense th...